Welcome to the Tangelo Web Framework!

Tangelo is a general-purpose web server framework, built on top of CherryPy. Once it’s set up, it stays out of your way, clearing the path for you to use HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies such as jQuery, D3, Bootstrap, WebGL, Canvas, and Vega to create rich web applications - from traditional, static pages, to cutting-edge, visual, dynamic displays. Tangelo also lets you include Python scripts as part of your application, alongside your HTML and JavaScript files, running them on your behalf to do anything from retrieving a few database results for display, to engaging with powerful computational engines such as Hadoop to compute complex results.

To help in creating these applications, Tangelo exports the Tangelo API, which exists as a collection of Python functions, JavaScript functions, and a set of rules for creating flexible and powerful web services. This document describes all the pieces that fit together to make Tangelo work.

Please visit the Tangelo homepage or the GitHub repository for more information.

Quick Start

  1. Make sure you have Python 2.7 and Pip installed (on Linux and OS X systems, your local package manager should do the trick; for Windows, see here).

  2. Open a shell (e.g. Terminal on OS X; Bash on Linux; or Command Prompt on Windows) and issue this command to install the Tangelo package:

    pip install tangelo

    (On UNIX systems you may need to do this as root, or with sudo.)

  3. Issue this command to start up a Tangelo server:

  4. Visit your Tangelo instance at http://localhost:8080.

Indices and tables